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I Love Them !

entah =='
Sunday 5 August 2012 | 09:11 | 0 *Alone
sedar x sedar esok aq nk exam!!ary ni blik ostel..pffft=.=
cptnyer mse berlalu..aq xpuas aty agy duk kt umh..hehe...tp ble lama2 bsan plok..coz xad kwan..bkn tepon aq b'bunyi un aq duk umah..spe la nk text aq!!duk dpan buku tnggu je fon bunyi(woiceyh,koya study jewp)
haha...susoh2 klo jd org mengharap ni..huhu.dh la aq kena tipu..anak pauzi yang kental ni kena tipu...tabik2..mlas nk ingt sal td..kenangan terindah je lah =)

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Meet The Narrators

Puteri . Amiera . Intan . Eza . Zuyu . Hello earthlings . We are friends till jannah . We love being us . Hate us , step off . Byee .


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I Love Music :*

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